KIT DMG MAXI SWITCH With Yoke And Rigid Bag
KIT DMG MAXI SWITCH With Yoke And Rigid Bag
The MAXI Switch has arrived!
This unique light is the latest (and largest!) edition to the DMG Family. It measures 125x74x2cm (4' x 2.2' x 3/4") for only 12.5Kg (27lbs), MAXImising its output to an outstanding 520W LED power.
Bi-colour from 3000 to 5600°k, it is also foldable for easy transportation. Built from two panels joined together by a smart hinge, it can fold, making it easy to transport. The two panels can also work separately and be controlled in “split mode”. The MAXI Switch yoke allows 360° rotation for maximum freedom, and can also lock the two panels in any position between flat-open and closed.
Containing the latest remote control technologies (DMX / Wireless DMX / Wi-Fi /Lan), the MAXI Switch is the ideal companion on location or key lighting in larger studios.
The MAXI Switch power box is a perfect combination of design and control. It separates into 2 units, the Driver and Power Supply Unit (PS). The Drive also can be mounted on the back of the lamp head for maximum comfort of control. This power box embarks all the latest wireless technology:
WIFI, so it can be controlled directly from your smartphone or tablet
DMX and WDMX, using Lumen Radio's emit/receive Timo Chip
It runs at 24VDC so can also be powered by a battery source with a load of minimum 20Amps
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